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Danny C. Murphy, Sr.: 
​As General Presbyter, I function as a steward leader of our member congregations, seeking to insure that our collective human and financial resources are used to assist, facilitate, and support their witness to the sovereign activity of God in the world. The ultimate aim is to equip and empower our member congregations to become communities of faith, hope, love, witness and service, so that those who do not know Jesus might come to know, love and serve him and so that those who do know Jesus might come to love him more intimately and serve him more faithfully. In short, I seek to ensure that our collective resources are used to support our member congregations in their efforts to make, mature, and mobilize disciples for the transformation of the world.

Additionally, working in conjunction with the Presbytery Coordinating Team, I serve as the Chief Administrative Officer of the Presbytery. In this capacity, I assist with overseeing the administration and coordination of the entire organizational system of the Presbytery. In doing so, I also have the responsibility of supervising all Presbytery staff members. The aim is to help ensure that their God-given gifts are used to provide the necessary support so that the teams, committees, commissions, focus groups, task forces, and other agencies established to accomplish the mission and ministry of Trinity Presbytery in our geographic area are able to do so efficiently and effectively.

Finally, in addition to serving as the chief administrative officer of the Presbytery, I have the wonderful privilege of serving as the Pastor to Pastors.

Bill Wannamaker:
As the Youth Ministry Coordinator (YMC) for Trinity Presbytery, one of my responsibilities will be recreating the Trinity Presbytery Youth Council (TPYC). The TPYC will be a council made up of youth and adults from Trinity Presbytery. The TPYC will be a unique way for Youth to gain valuable leadership skills, learn more about the Presbyterian Church (USA), lead events with and for youth in our presbytery, and serve the church in important and challenging ways. The TPYC will also serve as a way for youth from smaller churches to have a sense of connection to a larger community of faith. but I am also the Director of Youth Faith Formation at Forest Lake Presbyterian Church in Columbia.

Lisa Mallory:
​My primary responsibility is to provide administrative support for the General Presbyter, Stated Clerk, Vital Congregations Coordinator and the Presbytery. Much of my time is spent keeping the database, files, records, minutes and statistics of the Presbytery up-to-date. It's a blessing and a privilege to serve the members of Trinity Presbytery.

​Phyllis W. Sanders: 
Serving as Vital Congregations Coordinator is an invitation to use my spiritual gifts to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms. Working with pastors and congregations takes on an elevated importance when it becomes about doing ministry God’s way. When it is God’s way, then my way is secondary because the power that is needed for transformative change comes through the time that I and others spend in studying, praying and becoming who God wants us to be and what Jesus, who was often referred to as teacher, assigned congregations to do: “Go ye therefore and teach all nations about the gospel of Jesus Christ” (Matthew 28:16-19). 

Though I have years of experience as a teacher, instructor, professor, national and international trainer and consultant, my greatest need and deepest desire as the Vital Congregations Coordinator for Trinity Presbytery is to model the Master Teacher, Jesus Christ; the greatest of all.  As a vital congregations coordinator, my aim is to employ his compassion as a teacher, his courage to practice and teach others to proclaim the good news of the kingdom and to pray and teach others about the necessity to pray and the power behind faithful prayers. There are many lessons to learn and to teach and they all must be powerful enough to make a positive impact and yet simple enough for the young, the educated and the uneducated.

In my role as vital congregations coordinator, I will serve in various leadership capacities, following the lead of the Holy Spirit and with a leadership style of servanthood. A servanthood style of leadership means being submissive to the call of Jesus and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, allowing me to have a discerning spirit for my work and for my working with others.  The opportunity to work with others will often come through training large and small groups, working with teams with a common vision, working with congregations who genuinely want to seek revitalization and follow the Great Commission through outreach ministries, beginning with the community and then perhaps spreading abroad. 

Churches are beginning to follow the business world’s organizational structure by moving from committees to teams. Teams, rather than committees, denote a group of individuals working for the same purpose and a common vision. Working toward a common vision makes revitalization less stressful and more productive. Revitalization does not come without some push back, resistant to change or willingness to let go of ministries and practices that are valued in individuals or families but do not have much value to the kingdom building. It is then when I am reminded of what Max Depree once said, “The key elements in the art of working together are how to deal with change, how to deal with conflict, and how to reach our potential.”  My role as vital congregations coordinator will continue to unfold and reveal itself as the Holy Spirit orders my step.

Alleen Ernst:
As Treasurer/Financial Administrator, I am responsible for maintaining accounting, budget, and financial reporting for Presbytery and our churches, including supporting the annual audit.  In addition, I administer all Human Resources functions including payroll and benefits and serve as the Board of Pensions Liaison for Presbytery. I work closely with the Bookkeeper, Administrative Enabling Team and Budget & Finance Focus Group to monitor and report Presbytery’s financial status.  I enjoy all aspects of the job and feel very privileged to work with such a dedicated staff.


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9:00 a.m. -1 p.m. on Friday
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