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Administrative Enabling Team

The Administrative Enabling Team supports Trinity Presbytery by overseeing the administrative, financial, personnel, communications, stewardship, strategic planning, and trustee functions of the Presbytery. It also coordinates relationships between the Presbytery and the institutions supported by it, the councils over which the Presbytery has jurisdiction and all other councils unless otherwise specified in the Manual of Administrative Operations.

In fulfilling its duties and responsibilities, the Administrative Enabling Team shall:

  • Develop the annual budget of the Presbytery by gathering from the various agencies of the Presbytery their program proposals and budget requests for the following year during the first quarter of each calendar year, and prepare from these requests a budget of needs and objectives for the following calendar year.

  • Report the budget needs to the Presbytery Coordinating Team for review and approval for presentation to the meeting of the Presbytery at the Summer Stated Meeting for information.

  • Develop a schedule of proposed askings from the churches and present it to the Presbytery and to the churches at the earliest possible date and after any necessary refinements and adjustments, present a Proposed Spending Budget for the Presbytery at the Fall stated meeting, which shall include projected support for higher councils and institutions.

  • Create a balanced Spending Budget after churches have responded to the annual mission funding askings and negotiations have been completed among the agencies of Presbytery and present this budget to the February meeting of the Presbytery, together with a demonstration of how it is to be supported, for adoption by the Presbytery for implementation.

  • Prepare and recommend to the Presbytery Coordinating Team and the Presbytery suggested mission funding askings from each congregation with justification for these askings, which may be separated into the following categories: Per Capita Apportionments, Unified Giving and Theological Education Fund, and inform congregations that Selected Giving by congregations does not fund or affect the Operating Budget of the Presbytery.

  • Work with the Presbytery Treasurer to monitor revenue and expense budgets of Presbytery and to oversee all funds held by the Presbytery.  

  • Review and approve requests for expenditures not in the approved budget. 

  • Receive and study proposals for capital campaigns and special offerings and make recommendations to the Presbytery.

  • Work with the Stated Clerk and/or Financial Administrator to provide annual training for Clerks of Session, Church Treasurers, and Commissioners elected to attend the General Assembly.

  • Develop and monitor the systems of communication that enable timely and relevant information to flow between congregations, the Teams, the Coordinating Team, individuals, and institutions.

  • Provide for the annual review of the Sessional Records of all churches and review biennially the registers of the churches.

  • Preview proposed amendments to the Constitution of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and recommend action to the Presbytery in accordance with the Book of Order, G-6.04.

  • Review all overtures and resolutions addressed to the Presbytery or to higher councils in consultation with the Stated Clerk and present them to the Presbytery along with recommendations for response.

  • Request each year that institutions supported by the Presbytery's budget report on their ministries. This shall include the Presbyterian Communities of South Carolina; the William Brearley Home and the South Carolina Inn at Montreat; Thornwell Home for Children; Presbyterian College; Villa International-Atlanta; the South Carolina Campus Ministry Cabinet; and the South Carolina Christian Action Council.

  • Execute the trustees functions of the Presbytery, which involves:

    • receiving, holding, encumbering, managing, transferring real and personal property of the Presbytery.

  1. accepting and executing deeds of title to such property

  2. being responsible for the management of property, including care, maintenance, compliance with applicable building, fire, access and safety codes, and use restrictions

  3. being responsible to the Presbytery for their activities; thus, in buying, selling, and mortgaging real property, the Trustees shall act only after approval of the Presbytery has been granted in a duly constituted meeting ( Book of Order, G 4.02)

  4. managing any permanent special funds for the advancement of the purposes of the Presbytery, subject to the authority of the Presbytery Coordinating Team and under the supervision of the Constitution of the Presbyterian Church (USA).

  • Initiate, monitor, participate and delegate the Presbytery strategic and tactical planning process(s).

  • Seek to support our staff and ensure their effectiveness in the work of the Presbytery by creating a healthy work environment where shared expectations are cultivated so there are no surprises and issues can be dealt with before they are personal situations. In fulfilling the personnel responsibilities, they shall:

  • Maintain the Personnel Policies and Practices Manual.

  • Review the personnel policies and recommend revisions as appropriate.

  • Ensure that personnel policies cover all staff, including regular, temporary, contract, full-time and part-time.

  • Ensure that personnel policies follow state law concerning unemployment compensation, sickness, disability, and so forth.

  • Review at least every two years the job descriptions of all staff to ensure that there is harmony among the goals of Presbytery, the duties assigned in the job description, and the gifts of the person holding the position.

  • Ensure that staffing patterns are consistent with the mission, goals, and programming needs of Presbytery.

  • Receive the annual performance appraisals for all staff from the appropriate supervisors.

  • Act as a support group for the General Presbyter and other members of the staff.

  • Act on formal written grievances against the General Presbyter or when a staff member formally appeals a decision by the General Presbyter.

  • Confer with the General Presbyter on any important issues of concern.

  • Make recommendations to the Presbytery Coordinating Team regarding staff salaries and benefits.

  • Provide recommendations to the Presbytery Coordinating Team on continuing staff employment.

  • Serve as search committee when new staff needs to be hired and make recommendations to the Presbytery Coordinating Team and/or Presbytery.

  • Encourage professional growth and development for all staff members.

  • Implement a plan of equal employment opportunities, developed in consultation with the Presbytery Coordinating Team and approved by the Presbytery.

Any member in good standing in a Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) congregation within the bounds of Trinity Presbytery, together with all Ministers of the Word and Sacrament who are members of the Presbytery, shall be eligible for election to this team.

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Trinity Presbytery  |  554 Davega Dr.  |  Lexington, SC 29073
​main: 803.794.1225  |  toll free: 800.321.4124  |  fax: 803.794.7830

Inclement Weather Policy


Office Hours By Appointment Only:
9:00 a.m.- 4 p.m. Monday, Tuesday & Thursday
9:00 a.m. -1 p.m. on Friday
Wednesday- open only for appointments, staff will be working remotely.
Please call ahead if you need to make an appointment for Wednesdays.

Trinity Presbytery Office follows Lexington County School District One’s inclement weather policy.


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