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Mission and Evangelism Team

The Mission and Evangelism Team (MET) supports Trinity Presbytery by: (1) Building Congregational Vitality and (2) Combined Mission Participation. It facilitates the delivery of services to new worshiping communities and local congregations in order to help them become communities of faith, hope, love, witness, and service, so that those who do not know Jesus might come to know, love and serve him, and so that those who do know Jesus might come to love him more intimately and serve him more faithfully. It seeks to form mission partnerships between our new worshiping communities and member congregations to execute local, national and global mission opportunities, so that our new worshiping communities and congregations are meeting the needs of people not just across the seas but also across the street.

In fulfillment of its duties and responsibilities, the Mission and Evangelism Team shall:

a.   promote effective programs and strategies for evangelism and outreach within congregations of the presbytery.
b.   develop a workable model and strategy for organizing new worshiping communities, oversee their work, and encourage existing congregations to be involved in organizing and colonizing new worshiping communities.
c.   work with the Commission on Ministry to identity congregations that may be candidates for congregational revitalization and assist in the study and evaluation of those churches with a view toward seeking funding for congregational revitalization.
d.   work with churches seeking assistance in goal-setting, long-range planning, and congregational mission analysis.
e.   maintain a network of support and resourcing for smaller-member churches.
f.   assist churches in writing grant proposals for the Synod and General Assembly grant programs.
g.   review and endorse applications to Synod's Hemphill Loan Fund.
h.   maintain a liaison with the Campus Ministry program at USC, and shall maintain contact with campuses throughout the state, and regularly advise the Presbytery and its churches about our denomination's activities in higher education as one of the significant fields of evangelism and outreach.
i.   encourage congregations located in or near college communities to explore the possibilities of ministry to students and staff members at those institutions.
j.  interpret and promote the global mission program of the Presbyterian Church (USA) among the churches, including opportunities for support and service in the various fields of missionary work. 
k.   encourage visits to mission fields, participation in volunteer programs, and other personal involvement in mission.
l.   encourage and enable the involvement of the Presbytery's churches in national mission and ministry opportunities.
m.   encourage and enable the involvement of the Presbytery's churches in mission and ministry in their communities.
n.   oversee the administration of summer migrant ministry program.
o.   encourage and enable the involvement of the Presbytery's churches to reach out our Hispanic neighbors within the bounds of Trinity Presbytery.
p.   receive offerings during Presbytery and distribute the proceeds to Food Banks seeking to combat hunger within the bounds of Trinity Presbytery.
q.   advocate for, provide educational information about, and support theologically-informed responses to social justice issues in our state, nation and around the world. 
r.   consider positions taken by the Presbyterian Church (USA) related to mission and justice issues, and review program opportunities available.
s.   advocate for, provide educational information about, and support theologically-informed responses to peacemaking issues in our state, national and around the world.

Any member in good standing in a Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) congregation within the bounds of Trinity Presbytery, together with all Ministers of the Word and Sacrament who are members of the Presbytery, shall be eligible for election to this team.


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Trinity Presbytery  |  554 Davega Dr.  |  Lexington, SC 29073
​main: 803.794.1225  |  toll free: 800.321.4124  |  fax: 803.794.7830


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​​​Office Hours By Appointment Only:
9:00 a.m.- 4 p.m. Monday, Tuesday & Thursday
9:00 a.m. -1 p.m. on Friday
Wednesday- open only for appointments, staff will be working remotely.
Please call ahead if you need to make an appointment for Wednesdays.


Trinity Presbytery Office follows Lexington County School District One’s inclement weather policy.


©2024 by Trinity Presbytery


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