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Presbytery Coordinating Team

The Presbytery Coordinating Team (PCT) supports Trinity Presbytery by serving as both the executive and the coordinating body of the Presbytery. It has oversight of the work of Presbytery's Teams and Focus Groups. In between the corporate meetings of Trinity Presbytery, which meets 4 times per year, the PCT meets on a monthly basis and it is empowered to create such teams, focus groups, committees, and task forces as necessary to accomplish the work of the Presbytery. The creation of new agencies, and any subsequent changes in organizational structure proposed by the PCT, require the approval of the Presbytery. It determines and recommends policy to the Presbytery and assigns responsibility relating to the work of all agencies of the Presbytery. Within the policies established by Trinity Presbytery and the Constitution of the Presbyterian Church (USA), all teams, focus groups, committees, task forces or agencies are expected and authorized to function in ways they deem best to accomplish their assigned work. This work is done with a view towards equipping and empowering our member congregations to become communities of faith, hope, love, witness, and service, so that those who do not know Jesus may come to know, love and serve him and so that those who do know Jesus may come to love him more intimately and serve him more faithfully.

In fulfilling its duties and responsibilities, the Presbytery Coordinating Team shall:

  1. Serve as the executive and coordinating body of the Presbytery.

  2. Receive all ordinary presentments to the Presbytery and provide avenues for their access to the Presbytery, if found in order, together with recommendations for their disposition as each may require.

  3. Implement the policies and decisions of the Presbytery through the professional staff and the agencies of Presbytery.

  4. Work with the General Presbyter and Stated Clerk to prepare the agenda for each meeting of the Presbytery, coordinate reports and presentations to the Presbytery, produce a handbook for distribution at least ten days prior to each Stated Meeting and Called Meeting to all Ministers of the Word and Sacrament, Ruling Elder commissioners, and Christian educators serving churches of the Presbytery, and give approval to institutions, organizations, and individuals wishing to have displays or to distribute materials at Presbytery meetings.

  5. Require reports from all teams. commissions, committees, task forces, and agencies under their jurisdiction, with the reports to be written in clear, simple, narrative language, unless a more formal style of presentation is required; and approve their standing rules.

  6. Propose a balanced budget for the Presbytery annually, to administer it in accord with the stewardship and management policies adopted by the Presbytery, and report regularly to the Presbytery on matters of stewardship and financial management.

  7. Provide annually for an outside audit or financial review of the books and financial records of the Presbytery and any agencies responsible to the Presbytery; and to ensure that the results of the audit or financial review are included in the minutes of the Presbytery. 

  8. Oversee the work of the General Presbyter and Stated Clerk.

  9. Coordinate all ecumenical concerns for which Presbytery has responsibility.

  10. Coordinate denominational programs through correspondence, communication, cooperation, and consultation with the General Assembly, the Synod of South Atlantic, and their agencies.

  11. Hear reports and communications as needed from the teams of Presbytery and at least annually from Presbyterian Women, institutional representatives, the Permanent Judicial Commission, the Nominating Committee, and the Committee on Representation.

  12. Assess Presbytery and local church needs, identify potential areas of service and witness, and develop mission priorities and plans through appropriate teams of Presbytery.

  13. Evaluate the mission direction and effectiveness of the structure of presbytery, including priorities, plans, policies, programs, and the Mission Statement and Goals, and to recommend revisions; This is an ongoing process, but is required to be done in an intentional manner every five years, with a report and recommendations to be presented to the Presbytery.

  14. Develop programs and policies for the Presbytery that are consistent with the adopted Mission Statement and Goals, and present same to Presbytery for appropriate action.

  15. Consider and approve or disapprove on behalf of Presbytery requests from congregations for permission to take such actions concerning real property as are described in The Book of Order, G-4.02060, G-4.0206b, and G-4.0208 with the provision that any such actions shall be reported fully to the next Stated Meeting of the Presbytery and shall be recorded in the Minutes.

  16. Provide for annual performance evaluations and compensation reviews for members of the Presbytery staff; to review at least every two years the job descriptions of all staff to ensure that there is harmony among the goals of Presbytery, the duties assigned in the job description, and the gifts of the person holding the position.

  17. Consult with the teams of Presbytery and with the General Presbyter to assess professional and support staff needs of the Presbytery and to present recommendations to the Presbytery for approval; to ensure that staffing patterns are consistent with the mission, goals, and programming needs of Presbytery. All staff authorized by Presbytery shall be employed according to the provisions of the "Personnel Policies and Practices Manual." 

  18. Recommend to the Presbytery annually the compensation and benefits for all members of Presbytery's staff in conjunction with the Personnel Committee and Administrative Enabling Team.

  19. Review and maintain the Manual of Administrative Operations of Trinity Presbytery, Procedural Manual for Dealing with Sexual Misconduct, Trinity Presbytery’s Protection Policy, and to recommend appropriate revisions to Presbytery for action.

  20. Provide for worship at each meeting of the Presbytery through the services of the Moderator Presbytery, Vice Moderator of Presbytery and Moderator of the Presbytery Coordinating Team.

  21. Oversee mission planning, implementation, and evaluation not specifically assigned to other agencies by the Book of Order.



Any member in good standing in a Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) congregation within the bounds of Trinity Presbytery, together with all Ministers of the Word and Sacrament who are members of the Presbytery, shall be eligible for election to membership on the Presbytery Coordinating Team. Such members ordinarily shall be Ruling Elders, Ministers, or other church professionals.

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Trinity Presbytery  |  554 Davega Dr.  |  Lexington, SC 29073
​main: 803.794.1225  |  toll free: 800.321.4124  |  fax: 803.794.7830


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9:00 a.m.- 4 p.m. Monday, Tuesday & Thursday
9:00 a.m. -1 p.m. on Friday
Wednesday- open only for appointments, staff will be working remotely.
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